He's growing up so fast. I have to pack away his 9 month clothes, well most of them, some still fit. He's gaining back the weight he lost when he was sick. At his 9 month check up he went from the 50th percentile for weight down to the 15th because he lost so much being sick. I'm glad to see he's getting back on track. He is such a little ball of energy. He's constantly moving. He crawls at the speed of light and walks well now. The only trouble is he thinks he can run so we still have falls. He loves to climb and will climb on anything. We have to keep the gates closed at all times because if he gets out he scales the flight of steps in seconds! He's getting so much more communicative too. He has tons of new sounds and really sounds like he's holding a conversation with you. I love baby babble! He tries to repeat just about everything too. He loves the phone and will hold it to his ear (or close to it anyway) and say his version of hello, which is "he-ooooo." It's so cute. He's also started shushing us--he'll put his figer to his lips and blow out. He learned that one from Liam. He says "Daddy" and has turned into quite the Daddy's boy these days. He gives great hugs and the best sloppy, open mouthed kisses if you ask for one. He is such a cuddlebug and always happy. He loves going to the playground and swing on the swings and climb on the equipment.
He makes me so nervous climbing on the equipment because he has no sense of caution--he's a little dare devil. So I follow closely behind him to make sure he doesn't decide to make a leap for the ground.
Lochy and Liam play so great together most of the time too. Liam's still working on sharing but he's doing well. Lochy loves to play with anything Liam likes to play with and is a huge Thomas fan like his big brother.
Here he is taking a play break. Don't mind the goofy face he's making, he was being silly and trying to make us laugh.