My little Lochy-Doodle turned one this past Thursday. I can't believe how fast this past year has gone. He went from my tiny little baby to this walking, talking, climbing, getting into trouble, bundle of love and energy.
(This is his new favorite place to be which is why the train table is in their room now.)
Lochlann has grown up so much and it astounds me every day how much he has learned and accomplished in such a short amount of time. He is definitely my climber and it's really hard to keep him off of anything. He runs around like such a big boy and is saying more words everyday. I can't even keep track of all the new words he's been saying. He loves the cats and runs after them trying to pet them while squealing "kitty!" He's such an inquisitive little mind as well and really likes to problem solve. He's also quite the Thomas the train fan like his brother and loves to make track and drive the trains along it. I think they're going to have a blast when we go to the Strasburg Railroad to see Thomas next month! Another huge favorite of Lochy's is books. He absolutely adores to be read to--over and over and over again. I love reading to him but sometimes I wish he'd branch out a little with the books he wants me to read--the same 5 over and over can get a bit tedious. He pulls the bin of books out and will bring me one after the other all day long. And when he really likes the story he'll tell me "Again!"
I don't know what else to say about my little Doodle. He just continues to amaze me every day. I can't imagine my life without him. He and Liam are our light and our strength. They are the true meaning of constant and unconditional love.
Here he was then:
And now:
We had Lochlann's Christening and first birthday party this Saturday. Hopefully I'll have the time to upload the pictures before we leave for Florida on Thursday!