I celebrated my 31st birthday last Saturday. I drove the boys down to my parents house that morning so they could spend the night and Ian and I could have some alone time. We had such a nice time just the two of us. We went out to dinner and then breakfast the next morning before we took a great 5 mile hike through the woods at the reservoir. It was wonderful and so relaxing. I couldn't have celebrated any better! Ian's birthday (32) is next Saturday so we'll be doing some more celebrating soon.
The boys are doing wonderfully. Lochlann will be 22 months old on Sunday and Liam will be 3 1/2 on the 30th. Liam has taken to calling Lochy "my little Lochster." It's so cute! And Loch calls Liam "my Ween." Close enough right!?! LOL He loves going around the room saying everyones name--he calls himself "Nock." We're still nursing here but we're down to only once a day now, first thing in the morning. Most days he'll ask for it but once in a while he'll skip a day. My goal is to get him to 2 years but I have a feeling he may be done before then and that's fine too. I'm just glad it will be on his terms.
They are both still little peanuts. Liam has finally started wearing mostly 3T size stuff although I have to take the waist in a lot, and he's got a lot of 2T that still fits. Lochlann wears mostly 18 months stuff with the waist taken in a lot and has some 12 month stuff that still fits too. Liam is getting a lot better at trying different foods and Lochy is still my little Landfill. I swear that kid will eat just about anything!
We decided to hold off on preschool for Liam for another year and send him when he's 4. As for right now we'll continue working at home with him. He's getting good at writing his name and is getting more precise with drawing. Lochlann just talks a blue streak constantly and just soaks everything up like a sponge. He knows his basic shapes--circle, square, triangle, and star; and we're working on colors--he knows purple, green, and yellow and sometimes blue.
They just love playing together all the time and although they have their moments and fight over toys they mostly get along great and have a good time. Yesterday I came in to find them sitting so nicely building together with legos. They are so good and such a pleasure. They love to help me bake and do laundry and all that other fun stuff. We're planning a trip to the zoo in the Poconos next week so I'll have to remember the camera!
Here's some fairly recent pics of the boys:
Lochy after helping with the laundry:
Playing in their Thomas tent:
Coloring together:
Playing trains:
And Lochy playing with the dollhouse--a favorite!: