We did find a new pediatrician only minutes from our house that we love and am so happy with! So at the beginnin of the month we took the boys for a well check up. Lochy's 2 year (2 months late) and Liam's 4 year (almost 3 months early). I wasn't planning on sharing that Lochy was still nursing (he weaned a couple days ago at 26 months old) but the milk question came up. So I had to tell her that no he doesn't drink cow's milk but he still nurses then I braced myself. To my delight (and surprise) she said, "That's great!" And she was totally cool with us holding off on vaccinations til he's at least 3. I can't begin to say how wonderful it is to have a pediatrician that is supportive of our parenting choices.
Lochy pitched a fit about having to take off his clothes to get weighed and measured. He was fighting me taking off his shirt and kept yelling, "NO, I'm handsome!" He thought he looked pretty good that day and didn't want to lose it I guess. LOL
They are both small for their ages--big surprise. Of course we knew that already. Liam weighs 30lbs and Lochy weighs 23lbs. They are both the same proportionately. They are 25% for height and 3% for weight. She was not at all concerned saying that's just the way they are and just to make sure they eat every couple hours. We do that so we're not concerned especially since Ian was always small growing up, though you'd never know that to look at him now.
Developmentally they are doing great too. Two very smart little boys if I do say so myself! I couldn't be prouder of my guys, they really are such a blessing even though they can really drive me nuts! Lochy is going through a biting phase that is getting really old but he mostly does it when he's excited, like he can't help himself. We're working on it though. Mostly they play really nicely together though they definitely like to push each others buttons. I can't help but laugh sometimes at the way they tease each other.
We had a great time picking out our pumpkins and the boys had a great time painting theirs. It's obvious why we strip down to t-shirts and underwear when we paint (at least for Lochy). I have some pics of that I still need to upload but here's a couple others that are fairly recent:
And Lochy trying to race cars on Xbox (the last hair buzz of the year):