Yesterday was Lochlann's 8 month birthday! Where has the time gone? He's really getting big and doing new things everyday. He's been crawling for quite some time now and has been loving his new found freedom. His favorite thing to do is pull himself up on everything and anything and cruise along the furniture. Lately he's getting much braver and is letting go to stand for a bit and is contemplating taking those scary first steps!
He loves his food but it took him a bit to get used to it. I make all of his baby food so his favorites are sweet potatos, mango, pears, and applesauce. He still prefers to nurse though and we're still going strong! He's got the cup down pretty good too, he just needs a little helping tipping it back when the water level goes down. His second tooth is just about to sprout so that has him a little irritable lately. This was a big surprise to me since Liam was 11 months old before he cut his first tooth. Other than that he's just about the happiest baby I've ever seen. He always has huge smiles and loves to play, especially with his big brother. He desperately wants to run around and do big kid things. Soon enough, little man, soon enough.
It was such a nice weekend and so warm that we actually put up the little pool for them in the back yard. They had a blast!!! My little water babies love to splash and play in the water.
And when they're not playing trains...
they're wrestling.
I suppose boys will be boys though. LOL Liam's doing great too. He's a little sponge and is just soaking up every bit of information he can. We're working on the potty and he's doing ok. I'm not pushing it until he's 2 1/2 though which won't be until the end of June. We're just taking things one day at a time for now. Mostly, he's into his trains and plays with them all the time.
This weekend they get to see Grammy and Pop for their birthdays so they'll be really excited!!!
You know I enjoy the boys. Great idea, I love seeing the pictures, updates, etc. I look forward to many more.
Jenn, this is awesome! I can't believe how big they look! Amy and I can't wait to see you all on Sunday.
Welcome to the blogoshpere, the new mommy outlet! I love blogging and when other people do it to. I am going to add you to my links if that okay.
Yay! I love reading blogs!
The boys are sooo cute! I can't believe that Lochlann is only 2 months older than Nicholas; he looks so much bigger!
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