Tuesday, July 22, 2008

11 Months!

Well, my little Doodle is 11 months old now. The time is going by way to quickly and he's getting so big too fast.
11 Months
He is running all over the place and loving every minute of it. He's been itching to keep up with Liam for months and he's so happy he finally can. The two of them just run back and forth together through the house cracking each other up when they pass by.
Lochy loves to play with anything where he can use his body. He loves to throw and kick balls. And he can stoop down to pick up a toy and stand back up again without holding on to anything. He loves playing with blocks and stacking them--his record is 4 blocks high! He loves to color too. We let him color with the color wonder markers and coloring books--best invention ever! Ian recently found Liam's old shape sorter and busy box and Lochy has been having the best time with them. He can maneuver the shapes in if you show him where they go and can make some of the animals pop up in the busy box. He also loves the electronic drum Uncle Mike gave Liam for Christmas. The only way he gets to play with it is if Liam's sleeping because Liam loves it too!
11 Months
He's getting a ton more vocal as well. He "talks" all the time and has full on conversations with you. It would be a lot more interesting if I knew what he was saying! He does have some words--"Dada", "Mama", "Me-na" (Grandma), "woof woof", "kitty", and some more I can't think of right now. He repeats just about anything you tell him. He also immitates any kind of hand gestures and signs and waves bye-bye and hello. He gave up his morning nap a few weeks ago (unless he's unusually tired) and he and Liam sleep at the same time. He'll nap anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 hours. We're still working on night time sleeping but I'm in no real hurry for that. We are still breastfeeding and still co-sleeping most of the night. He naps in his crib and starts out the night in his crib. We both love the snuggle time together during the night and it makes it easy for him to grab a middle of the night snack.
11 Months
Lochy loves playing with his big brother (when Liam will let him anyway) too. He really likes the Thomas trains and "drives" them all over the tracks. He especially loves to play peek-a-boo with Liam.
Peek A Boo!
They may fight some but they really love being brothers.
Big Hugs!
Big Hugs!
He's just the best little love and I am so blessed to have him in my life. Both boys have just been the best little boys I could ever hope for.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Lake

Yesterday we took the boys to the lake. It's a state park not too far from us and it was so nice! They of course have the lake and beach but they also have a nice grassy area shaded with trees right off the beach and a couple playgrouds, campgrounds, picnic tables with grills, bathrooms with showers, and concession stand. We all had a lot of fun. Liam loved burying his trains in the sand and swimming in the water with us. He also loves the swings and slide, of course. This was Lochy's first time in the sand and he had a blast. It was a little hard for him to walk in it but he loved sitting there letting it sift through his fingers. He only tried to eat it once. They're both little water babies and love being in the water. Lochy especially loved being at the water's edge where it wasn't too deep and walk around and splash. We were all worn out by the time we came home and all three of my guys took a late nap. Needless to say we all had late bedtimes last night.
At the lake--7/15/08
At the lake--7/15/08
At the lake--7/15/08
He did not want his picture taken
At the lake--7/15/08
Fun in the water with Daddy
At the lake--7/15/08
And here's some pics of the boys playing nice this morning:
And Lochy coloring yesterday:
Lochy's Masterpiece

Monday, July 14, 2008


We have potty training success!!! It took us a little over a week but Liam is potty trained! He only needs a diaper for overnight. He keeps his underwear dry all day, during his nap, and when we go out and about. I can't remember the last time he had an accident. He tells us whenever he has to go and is even getting more comfortable with pooping on the potty (he cried the first couple times he did that). I'm so proud of my little man, he is growing up way too fast. He's super proud of himself too!

And Lochy has progressed to full on running now! He's so thrilled to be able to run back and forth through the house with Liam. He's been itching to do that for a while. When did my babies get so big?

I don't have pictures to post since the camera batteries took a crap and I've yet to replace them. Pics to come soon though.

Friday, July 4, 2008

So Proud!

Well, it's been an eventful week. Last Friday was Ian's 31st birthday. We just kind of stayed around the house since it wasn't a nice day. I made him a nice dinner and the boys and I made him a couple birthday cards. We also had ice cream cake for dessert! For his present from his parents he asked for cloth diapers for the boys to help save us money. He's just the best Daddy ever! Can't say I'm a huge fan of cloth but it's saving us a ton and we do what we have to do. Plus, Lochy does look very cute with his "fluffy" butt.
Loving "Foxy Socks"
Fluffy Butt
And wearing his "I'm a birth center baby" t-shirt he got when he was born.
Fluffy Butt
Liam turned 2 1/2 on Monday so after his nap we officially started the hard core potty training. He's had his potty since this time last year and he's sat on it and peed in it numerous times but he was so against using it all the time. He loved his diapers and wouldn't give them up. So on Monday afternoon we told him that he is a big boy and big boys don't wear diapers. He wasn't happy about it but we held firm and no diapers (except for sleep times). To my surprise he has done amazing!!! He tells us when he has to pee (he does a little dance and says, "ooh, ooh, ooh"), we sit him on it and within a minute or so he goes! Since Monday we've only had 2 accidents!!!! I'm so proud of my little man! He feels like such a big boy and loves to flush his pee-pee in the big potty when he's done. He also loves his big boy Thomas underwear. You can tell he's really proud of himself! And I'm so proud of him, he's getting so big!
And Lochy is walking everywhere now. He used to just walk from one thing to another but now he's walking across the house to get to things he wants! When did my little boys get so big!?! I miss my babies! Lochy also has a new word--"kitty." He loves the cats around here and says it so clearly. He points to everything and wants me to tell him what things are. He's also pointing to things when I ask where they are. He's such a little sponge and is learning more every day. They are such great little boys. Can you tell I'm just bursting with pride? I couldn't be any luckier!