He is running all over the place and loving every minute of it. He's been itching to keep up with Liam for months and he's so happy he finally can. The two of them just run back and forth together through the house cracking each other up when they pass by.
Lochy loves to play with anything where he can use his body. He loves to throw and kick balls. And he can stoop down to pick up a toy and stand back up again without holding on to anything. He loves playing with blocks and stacking them--his record is 4 blocks high! He loves to color too. We let him color with the color wonder markers and coloring books--best invention ever! Ian recently found Liam's old shape sorter and busy box and Lochy has been having the best time with them. He can maneuver the shapes in if you show him where they go and can make some of the animals pop up in the busy box. He also loves the electronic drum Uncle Mike gave Liam for Christmas. The only way he gets to play with it is if Liam's sleeping because Liam loves it too!
He's getting a ton more vocal as well. He "talks" all the time and has full on conversations with you. It would be a lot more interesting if I knew what he was saying! He does have some words--"Dada", "Mama", "Me-na" (Grandma), "woof woof", "kitty", and some more I can't think of right now. He repeats just about anything you tell him. He also immitates any kind of hand gestures and signs and waves bye-bye and hello. He gave up his morning nap a few weeks ago (unless he's unusually tired) and he and Liam sleep at the same time. He'll nap anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 hours. We're still working on night time sleeping but I'm in no real hurry for that. We are still breastfeeding and still co-sleeping most of the night. He naps in his crib and starts out the night in his crib. We both love the snuggle time together during the night and it makes it easy for him to grab a middle of the night snack.
Lochy loves playing with his big brother (when Liam will let him anyway) too. He really likes the Thomas trains and "drives" them all over the tracks. He especially loves to play peek-a-boo with Liam.
They may fight some but they really love being brothers.
He's just the best little love and I am so blessed to have him in my life. Both boys have just been the best little boys I could ever hope for.
Can I just say, "Awww!!!"
Thanks! I need to see pics of your little ones too!
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