The day before Lila was born (39 weeks 3 days) and my belly literally at the breaking point--my skin started splitting at about 36 weeks from being stretched so far. I guess thats what an almost 9lb baby will do to ya! lol
Happy Birthday Lila!
The next morning, showered and ready to go home!
Ian getting ready to hang the banner at the birth center
The boys meeting Lila for the first time
2 days old
Being held by her big brothers
One week old
2 1/2 weeks
Liam and Lochy playing
Lochy's idea of "one" piece of Easter candy
3 1/2 weeks
ONE MONTH OLD!!! She's getting so big and has put on one pound since she's been born so she's now 9lbs 14oz! She's still such a good baby and I love her to pieces!
She started fussing and Liam decided she wanted to nurse so he tried to accommodate her. lol
1 comment:
It is amazing how quickly they grow and change looks! She is truly a beauty! And, the boys could be twins... they look so close, it is hard for me to determine who is who, if not for the height difference.
These pictures make me very excited to meet my new little addition.
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