Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New Pics!

I finally uploaded some pictures tonight so here's some recent pics of the boys.
At the playground near us.
At the playground--3/18/09
At the playground--3/18/09
At the playground--3/18/09
At the playground--3/18/09
At the playground--3/18/09
At the playground--3/18/09

And Liam finger painting. He definitely has a blast!
Finger Painting!

The boys playing together.

And apparently this is what we do with Snappis when they're not holding a diaper on

Sunday, March 8, 2009


There has been nothing going on here. I'm afraid we're very borin people.LOL We did take the boys up to the reservoir yesterday since it was so nice out! They had a great time playing in the sand and throwing rocks in the water. Of course Lochlann was a puddle magnet and had to be stripped down to his diaper before heading home. And we forgot our camera too so we have no pictures of our beautiful day--70 and sunny!

They both got major haircuts last night too. Summer buzzes came early this year. I'll post pics later hopefully!