First our anniversary. We didn't do anything special on the day and decided instead to go out to dinner on Friday if Lochy was feeling better. We had originally planned to go to the Chart House in Weehawkin, NJ. It's right on the river across from New York. One whole side of the restaurant is nothing but windows so the view of the water and the New York City skyline is just beautiful. Plus the food is amazing. We ended up just going to Olive Garden though--with Lochy not feeling 100% we wanted to stay close and keep the evening short. We had a nice time being out just the two of us. It was the first time in almost a year we were able to get out without any children--it was long overdue. Hopefully we can do our Chart House plan some other time.
Lochy woke up from his morning nap last Monday with a fever and the vomitting and diarrhea started from there. He had no interest in food and only wanted to nurse and sleep. But he would only sleep if he was laying on either Ian or myself. By Thursday night he was kicking the fever but we found out he reacts to viruses the same way Liam does--head to toe hives. The poor baby was just miserable and just kept scratching at his little body. I gave him a nice oatmeal bath and washed him with oatmeal body wash and by the next morning his hives were almost completely gone. He still didn't have the best appetite but he ate a decent dinner for Grandma while Ian and I were out to dinner. Yesterday he started getting a cold though so now he's back to not feeling too great.
He is 9 months old now! He's getting braver taking steps but is still very cautious. He much prefers to crawl since he's so fast at that and just climbs up on everything. We really have to make sure all the gates are shut because he loves to climb stairs. The other day I found him standing on Liam's Thomas the Train couch trying to push the buttons on the TV. He mastered the sippy cup a few weeks ago and just loves it. I put a little bit of juice in with his water to flavor it a little and he thinks its just great. I'm glad both boys love the V8 Fusion because that's the only juice we buy them. It's the only way we can get any fruits and veggies into Liam. I hope Lochy doesn't turn into the picky eater Liam turned into. Little Lochy is just a happy little ball of energy. He loves to be outside and really loves to be pushed on the swing. He's also quite content to be pushed in the stroller or ride in the sling for a walk around the reservoir or up and down the street. He's just the happiest little baby; full of smiles and squeals of delight. He has his 9 month check up on Wednesday so we'll get to see how much our little Doodle has grown. His hair still has red in it, I wonder if it'll stay or turn blond?
Liam has been really testing the limits lately. He has a cold too so I think he's not feeling well on top of everything else. We have a no screaming and no whining rule in this house but he's been breaking it a lot lately. He rarely needs time outs but has been frequenting the time out spot a lot recently. He's just being his two year old self and can get in a great mood just as fast as he can turn sour. We've started working on the potty a bit more. We've had his potty since last summer and he's gone on it quite a bit. He's always so proud of himself when he does pee-pee and we make a huge deal of it. So we know he can go on it, he just doesn't want to. I had him in his big boy underwear yesterday and he stood there and peed and then told me he needed clean underwear. Little punk! This kid's going to be a tough nut to crack! He'll be 2 1/2 at the end of June so I'm not going to really push it til then.
Here's a couple 9 months pics of Lochy Doodle:
He tried so hard to be happy despite being sick
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