Yesterday we took the boys to Space Farms. It's a little zoo not too far from us. It was a beautiful day for it. It was really more like a park with animals in it. They had a playground and picnic tables all over so you could eat right next to the animals. The boys had a blast! Lochy loved the animals you could get right up to the fence and feed; Liam not so much. Liam also didn't care for the ducks and geese that would walk right up to you expecting feed either. He much preferred the lions and tigers and those kind of animals.

He had enough of these animals getting too close!

Lochy instigated the wrestling after bath time last night... he must be ridden like a pony

He's getting much braver with standing a taking some steps. We have a lot of falls but he's learning. Here his is about to step out!

His innocent look:

Lochy decided to make a huge mess of things in our bedroom the other day. And he had a grand time doing it!
The beginning:

The end:

And Liam being a happy boy this morning:
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