Well, the boys are growing up way too fast! Liam celebrated his third birthday on December 30th! He did much better with opening his gifts (not the week long affair it was last year) but "Happy Birthday" is still a no-no! I don't know why but he completely freaks out whenever a bunch of people sing this song. We can all sing other songs, just not this one. He can be such a weirdo sometimes! LOL He's still my little peanut--still wearing mostly size 2T clothes. Once in a while he can get away with a 3T but its rare. He's really such a joy and very creative. He loves pretend play and his new favorite is play-doh!
I did get a new camera for Christmas (2 actually!!!) but my last pair of new lithium batteries were in the camera I gave back to my parents so the batteries died on me pretty quickly. I don't have many recent pics but here's a picture of them from Christmas time:
Lochy is doing well too. He will be 18 months old on Saturday. Where has the time gone? I'm debating whether or not to take him to a well baby check up for his 18 month. He hasn't been since his 12 month and we really don't see the reason for it since we're delaying the vaccs til he's at least 3 and he's perfectly healthy. We'll see what happens I guess. I need to look for a new pediatrician anyway. He's doing great though! Quite the little climber and chatterbox! We recently night weaned so I'm getting much more sleep now. He still gets up once around 1 or 2 to come into bed with us and then nurses about 5am or so. And he still nurses before nap and before bed at night. He will go to sleep on his own in his crib though if he doesn't fall asleep at the boob. I'm hoping we make it til at least 2 years with the breastfeeding but we'll see how long he wants to go for.
It's bittersweet to see them growing and learning so much. I want them to always be my babies but I love to see them explore and learn new things. They really play so nicely together and its so neat to listen to the little "conversations" they have between them. They both still love the Thomas trains and play everyday. They also love having stories read to them.
Here's a few semi-recent pics of them playing together:
As you can see the castle didn't last very long
And from this past weekend at Grammy and Pop's:
1 comment:
They are both such cuties!!! Keep with it girl, I love catching up with the babies.
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