Finally got my pictures off my camera and on the computer! Took me long enough, huh? Nothing really new to report. Lochlann is officially 18 months and doing great! I still can't get over the difference between the two of them and eating. Liam is still as picky as can be although I really think it's a sensory issue he just needs to work through and will get better as he gets older. Lochlann (aka Landfill) will eat anything and everything. His new favorite is salami and dill pickles! With as much as he eats I'm astounded with how little he still is. I just weighed both boys this weekend out of curiousity and Lochlann is 21lbs 8oz and Liam tipped the scales at 27lbs 8oz. Still my peanuts!!! Lochy wears 18 month clothes and Liam still mostly wears 2T (with the waist taken in about an inch!). I'm not worried though, its just how they are. Now for some pictures!!!
Here's what the train track situation has gotten to in our house--it has to span two rooms now!:

And here's just one of the two boys playing. This is a nightly ritual of the two of them running circles in the playroom before bed!

It's so funny because they do something they call the "Liam and Lochy train" where Lochy will hold on to the back of Liam and they'll run all over the room. Sometimes I have to remind them to "puff slowly" so no one gets hurt. And the other night Liam didn't want to play but Lochy wouldn't let go. I told him Lochy just wanted to play Liam and Lochy train and Liam said, "No, I want this freight car off of me!" I couldn't help but laugh at that!
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