Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pee-Pee in the Potty!!!

That's right, last night Lochlann went pee-pee in the potty!!!! He's sat on the little potty a handful of times and liked it but he's never asked before. Last night it was time for bed and Liam said he had to poop (a time stalling device of his). I knew he really didn't but I couldn't not put him on the potty just in case he really did (I was right though he didn't have to). A minute or two later Lochy rounded the corner and told me "pee, pee!" So I said ok and took off his pj's and diaper and sat him down. After a few minutes I asked them if they were done and they said yes so I got them off told them to head upstairs. Then I looked in Lochy's potty and saw he peed!!! I said "Lochlann come here! You did pee-pee in the potty!" He was so excited and proud of himself he could stop saying "Yay! Pee-pee!" and clapping for himself! So we flushed it bye-bye and called it a night. He was just so proud of himself it was so cute to see!