Friday, July 4, 2008

So Proud!

Well, it's been an eventful week. Last Friday was Ian's 31st birthday. We just kind of stayed around the house since it wasn't a nice day. I made him a nice dinner and the boys and I made him a couple birthday cards. We also had ice cream cake for dessert! For his present from his parents he asked for cloth diapers for the boys to help save us money. He's just the best Daddy ever! Can't say I'm a huge fan of cloth but it's saving us a ton and we do what we have to do. Plus, Lochy does look very cute with his "fluffy" butt.
Loving "Foxy Socks"
Fluffy Butt
And wearing his "I'm a birth center baby" t-shirt he got when he was born.
Fluffy Butt
Liam turned 2 1/2 on Monday so after his nap we officially started the hard core potty training. He's had his potty since this time last year and he's sat on it and peed in it numerous times but he was so against using it all the time. He loved his diapers and wouldn't give them up. So on Monday afternoon we told him that he is a big boy and big boys don't wear diapers. He wasn't happy about it but we held firm and no diapers (except for sleep times). To my surprise he has done amazing!!! He tells us when he has to pee (he does a little dance and says, "ooh, ooh, ooh"), we sit him on it and within a minute or so he goes! Since Monday we've only had 2 accidents!!!! I'm so proud of my little man! He feels like such a big boy and loves to flush his pee-pee in the big potty when he's done. He also loves his big boy Thomas underwear. You can tell he's really proud of himself! And I'm so proud of him, he's getting so big!
And Lochy is walking everywhere now. He used to just walk from one thing to another but now he's walking across the house to get to things he wants! When did my little boys get so big!?! I miss my babies! Lochy also has a new word--"kitty." He loves the cats around here and says it so clearly. He points to everything and wants me to tell him what things are. He's also pointing to things when I ask where they are. He's such a little sponge and is learning more every day. They are such great little boys. Can you tell I'm just bursting with pride? I couldn't be any luckier!

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